“Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ greet you.”
(Rm 16:16)
The first rubric (written instruction guiding the action within the liturgy) of the Mass is “When the people are gathered…”, thus the first liturgical act of the Mass is the gathering of the faithful. Those who offer hospitality to the assembling faithful are not simply to provide a friendly face or a welcoming atmosphere in a merely worldly or emotional sense, but are to stand as the Church welcoming her children to the joy of being able to offer true worship in Christ to the Father. Throughout the Mass, they offer their time and effort to ensure the smooth operation of the liturgy on the part of the congregation and assist the faithful with practical needs or in the event of a problem.
The Hospitality Ministry is open to registered parishioners. This is a two-fold ministry of both greeter and usher. It is great way for families to serve together.
Adults (18 years and up) must be Ethics and Integrity in Ministry certified.