We are a social outreach ministry inspired by Matthew 25:35 that assists the homeless and indigent working poor by providing food, clothing and dignity to our brothers and sisters in need. Our clergy Preaches the Word of God, our Religious Education Staff Teaches the Word of God and at Mobile Loaves & Fishes, we Reach the Word of God.
Mobile Loaves & Fishes began in Austin, Texas, as a ministry of St. John Neumann Catholic Church and is currently serving Austin's homeless utilizing two catering trucks and 800 active volunteers. St. Thomas More has developed a "branch" ministry under the Mobile Loaves & Fishes 501(3)c charter and is operating a third truck for the ministry here in Austin. We currently have over 600 volunteers. A fourth truck is also in operation at St. Louis parish. This allows the Austin homeless and indigent working poor to receive more than 7,000 meals (and other assistance), each month.
The STM Mobile Loaves & Fishes ministry operates out of the Fisher house (just behind the Religious Education building on the STM campus). The Fisher garage and a large side room have been converted into a commissary complete with the required shelving, lighting, food preparation and truck-staging facilities.
We invite you to become more involved with Mobile Loaves & Fishes. Please click on the link below to learn more about our core team of volunteers, our involvement with the community, and the opportunities to volunteer and support our mission.
MLF WEBSITE Camp Beyond Me