The Marriage Encounter Ministry aims to encourage married couples to attend a Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekend retreat. We will journey together with couples after the retreat to support each other, our marriages, our families, and the Church. Marriage Encounter also provides support and encouragement to priests and religious who are dedicated to their vocation in life and focuses on their relationship with the people of God whom they serve.
In the Austin Diocese, Worldwide Marriage Encounter weekends are offered at Cedarbrake Renewal Center, Wingate Hotel in Round Rock, and in a non-residential format at parishes throughout the Diocese. The weekends are offered in both English and Spanish. After the retreat, couples are encouraged to join sharing groups for monthly meetings of prayer, dialog, sharing, and fellowship.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter's mission is to proclaim the value of marriage and holy orders in the Church and in the world. It is our desire to renew the Church and change the world by assisting couples and priests to live fully intimate and responsible relationships. We accomplish this by providing them with a Catholic 'experience' and ongoing community support for such a lifestyle. Read the letter from Pope John Paul II supporting Marriage Encounter: Letter from Pope John Paul II.pdf.
For more information or to apply for a Weekend, please visit the WWME Austin-Central Texas website at
In November 2009, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops released a pastoral letter on marriage entitled Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan. This letter can be found on the USCCB website in both its FULL and ABRIDGED versions.